Audra & George
Audra & George

Open Adoption- Missouri Family- Early 40's- Married 15 Years
Audra and George are excited to have a little one to share adventures with. This couple enjoys going to Savannah, Georgia in their free time. Some things they enjoy are going through local shops, relaxing in the parks, going to look for dolphins, and seeing old buildings and architecture. They also enjoy going to mountainous areas and being in nature and wildlife parks. Most trips are short, calm getaways to help recenter and relax.
George is retired from the Army and Audra is a business manager at a factory. They are members of a local Baptist church and very active there. Safety is held as a high standard in their home. Fire alarms are hardwired in all rooms, backyard has a privacy fence, fire extinguishers in various areas of the house, conceal carry, when necessary, with the adoptive father being retired military he understands defense of self and others.
"Our dream is to raise a Christian with strong footing in faith in Jesus. We want them to be happy, independent and achieve all their goals and be the best version of themselves they can be. We have a strong circle of family and friends who will be dedicated to ensuring their happiness and a larger circle of extended family so they will never be alone."
If you are interested in connecting with this family text "Audra&George" at 870-926-1853.